Online Orders

Simply contact us by phone, email, text or chat! Please call or text us at 855-797-5268 or email us at HelpDesk@ProvenWinnersDirect.com

You do not need to send the plant back to us! All we ask is for you to provide us with photos of your plant so that we may evaluate the issue. A member of our Customer Service Team will connect with you within 48 hours. During peak season, we will respond to emails and phone calls in the order in which they are received. This can extend past the 48 hour response time that we normally operate under. We appreciate your patience during our busy times!

Based on the photos and information shared, if your plant qualifies for a replacement or a refund, we will be happy to make things right. We always want our customers to be successful with their plants!

We want you to receive the healthiest, most beautiful Proven Winners plants possible.  Please be assured that all plants are carefully inspected before they are packaged and shipped to you. We guarantee that all plants are healthy and vigorous when they leave our greenhouse. However, as living things, plants always have the potential to become stressed or damaged during shipping. The good news is that this is almost always only a cosmetic issue, that does not impact a plant’s overall health, because they have a strong root system. If for any reason you are unhappy, please reach out to us with a few detailed photos. It is very beneficial for us to see what you are seeing in order to assist you best, and we would love that opportunity!

Call or Text: 855-797-5268 | Email: HelpDesk@ProvenWinnersDirect.com

The main difference in container sizing for shrubs and perennials is the age of the plant. The age of the plant is a great gauge of how quickly the plant will grow and bloom. Age over size is reflected in the determination of the cost of each plant and the size of the container it is planted in. The older the plant, the more prolific it will grow within the season of purchase.

• 4.5 inch quart size shrubs and perennials are roughly 6 months old.
• .65 gallon size perennials are roughly 6 months old.
• 1 gallon size shrubs and perennials are roughly 1 year old.

Plant Care

Hardiness depends on the location you are in and the plant itself. Find out what USDA hardiness zone you are in at planthardiness.ars.usda.gov and check the plant tag and/or the product page to find out which zones are right for the plant.

You can locate the light requirement for your plant on your plant’s tag or on its product page. Full sun is 6-8+hours of direct sunlight, Part Sun/Shade is 4-6 direct hours of sunlight, and Full Shade is 4 hours or less of direct sunlight.

Generally, the best time to plant perennials and shrubs is in the spring or fall. Cool temperatures, reliable rainfall, and short, bright days help plants make a quick and easy transition to your landscape. Depending on when you plant, make sure the threat of frost is gone before planting in spring and you provide at least 6 weeks before your ground freezes in fall. If you are unsure, mid-November is a safe planting deadline for nearly everyone in the U.S.

This completely depends on the plant itself. Please see the product page for specific maintenance information.

As long as the plant is planted in the ground 6 weeks before the first frost no additional protection is required. However, we do recommend applying a 2-3” layer of mulch around the plant as it acts as a blanket for the roots.

If the plant is rated two zones lower than your current hardiness zone it is safe to stay in the pot outside all winter (example: plant hardiness zones are 3-7 and you live in zone 5 or above). If not, we recommend storing the container somewhere cold that does not go below freezing, like a garage, shed, etc, and wrapping the container in burlap or other material to further protect the roots. Plants that lose their leaves in the winter do not need sunlight during dormancy but evergreen plants do and would need to be placed near a window.

With the exception of some hydrangeas, such as the white varieties, most hydrangea bloom color depends on the pH of your soil. The more acidic your soil, the bluer the bloom. The more alkaline in the soil, the pinker they become. Too encourage pink, add lime. The pink will not appear right away but over time. Add aluminum sulfate to the soil to encourage blue flowers.


Yes. However, unless, you have a very large container or a dwarf plant it will eventually need to be transplanted from its container and into the ground. The growth rate and current maturity of the plant will determine when transplanting is necessary.

Ultimately, this is based on your preference. Most plants will grow in close proximity to one another. Planting them close together prohibits the plant from expressing their true botanical form. This may be preferred if you are attempting to form a screen or hedge.

If the preference is not to have the plants touch each other when they reach maturity, first determine the mature spread of the plant in question. The mature spread of each plant is displayed on each plant product page and plant tag.

Generally, a plant’s roots will be about the same size as the plant is on top of the soil. Deep rooting depends on the species, the soil, and the availability of moisture. Very heavy and hard clay discourages deep root growth. Sandy or loamy soil allows for deeper root penetration. The farther away the roots are from the plant, the smaller the roots are in circumference.

General Concerns

No, we do not use Neonicotinoids. We mainly use biocontrols to combat pests on our plants. We do use pesticides occasionally to ensure you receive a healthy plant with no harmful bugs. The pesticides we do use are Neonicotinoid free and will not cause harm to any pollinators or humans that touch it. We time the usage of pesticides to ensure that it is not in your plant’s system when it is shipped. We only use pesticides that have less than a 24-hour active period. All chemicals dissipate long before it is put in a box and shipped to you.

No, our plants are noninvasive. Some are seedless and others have seeds that are not viable. Proven Winners has bred the invasiveness out of the plants so that it has only the good qualities and none of the bad.

Our soil is designed to be neutral, between a pH level of 6.5-7. It is made from a blend of Premium Canadian sphagnum peat moss, processed softwood bark, and horticultural-grade perlite. It contains a professional wetting agent and dolomite lime to buffer soil pH.

Some of our plants are deer resistant; some plants are not. However, even “deer-resistant” does not mean it’s “deer-proof.” Deer will eat just about anything if they are hungry enough. You may want to try using a deer repellent such as PlantSkydd around the perimeter of your yard to keep deer away from your plants. Please see the product page to find out if your plant is deer resistant.

It is difficult to categorize the growth habits of the many plants that we sell. A slow-growing shrub would be a plant that grows less than a foot a year. A fast-growing shrub may grow in excess of 2.5 feet a year. Growth rates of the various plant classifications are estimated based on the plant being placed in ideal conditions with good fertility, adequate moisture and planted properly.