Who Says Planting is Only for the Spring?! 🌱
We all know that spring is the main event for gardeners. We plan and wait (not so) patiently all winter to get back out in the garden. Then, as soon as there is no frost in sight, we are filling our cars (and online shopping carts) with plants and supplies, picking the perfect spot, and planting like there is no tomorrow.
But, did you know that there is a whole other season full of planting potential that is often forgotten about? It's fall!

Fall is a great time to plant perennials and shrubs because of the cool temperatures, reliable rainfall, and short, bright days which help plants make a quick and easy transition to your landscape. Despite the cold weather lurking around the corner, the entire first half of autumn (and then some) provides ample opportunity for plants to grow roots and get off to a good start in their new home.
You can plant up to 6 weeks before your ground freezes. Once the ground is frozen, root growth will cease almost entirely until spring, and that six-week window gives the plant time to get established enough to withstand cold and snow.
The date that your ground actually freezes varies from year to year, of course, and some areas won’t have frozen ground at all. Check out the image below for approximate dates:
Image Source:Â https://gardentowerproject.com/last-frost-date/
Planting shrubs in the fall also helps spread out the time, work, and money involved in gardening. Check out this article for more tips on maximizing your gardening budget. What are you planting this fall? Let us know in the comments.
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