Planting in the Summer

At Proven Winners Direct™, our goal is to help make your gardening experience easy, successful, and inspiring.  We know that hot days and extreme temperatures can make gardening a little more challenging, but your garden can still thrive in the summer!  You can even keep planting more cuties throughout the summer months - you simply need to know how to give them all the extra love they need during these hot days. We're here to share essential tips and tricks to ensure your summer garden thrives while supporting you every step of the way.

You can be assured that Proven Winners® plants are healthy and vigorous when they leave our greenhouse. However, as living things, plants always have the potential to become stressed during shipping due to delays, extreme temperatures, or transit damage. The good news is that when issues do occur, we are always here to help!  

If you have any concerns regarding your new plants, please be sure to share your experience with us. Simply take a photo of the plants and reach out to us with the photo and your order number. It is very beneficial for us to see what you are seeing in order to assist you best, and we always welcome that opportunity.  
Summer Planting Tips: 

  • Your plants have already been acclimated to the outdoors and will be happiest in the ground as soon as possible. There is no need to wait to get your hands dirty! 
  • Planting early in the mornings or late in the evenings when the air tends to be cooler and the sun less intense. Try to avoid the midday sun, which is the hottest and highest in the sky. 
  • Water, water, water! Water before you plant, soaking the soil in the pot. Water during planting by filling the hole with water a time or two prior to putting the plant in the ground. The goal is to get the soil around the plant’s roots and beyond super hydrated. Then, loosen the soil around the plant, put the plant into the hole as standard, and water it well one last time. Be sure to deeply water daily and consistently for the first week (sometimes longer- your plants will tell you!) to make sure the heat of the summer does not deter it from establishing its healthy, glorious roots. 
  • Pay close attention to your mulch and other landscaping coverings. Placing mulch or rocks too close to the base of your plants can create excessively hot conditions, potentially damaging the roots by causing them to dry out. Additionally, mulch can hinder water from penetrating deeply into the soil, depriving the roots of essential moisture.

Summer planting can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience with the right preparation and care. By giving your plants some extra love, ensuring proper watering, and paying attention to mulch placement, you can create a vibrant and thriving garden even in the hottest months. Remember, we're here to support you every step of the way. 

Please always feel free to email if you have any concerns. We are always here to help.

Happy Planting!