Succeeding with Superbells® Calibrachoa


What's a container without Superbells calibrachoa? You'll find these ever-popular flowers in many pre-planted hanging baskets at your local garden centers because they offer effortless beauty in nearly every color of the rainbow. Some are striped like pinwheels, double forms look like mini roses, and solid colors are essential accents for other flowers in recipes. 

Though they are often mistaken for miniature petunias, Superbells calibrachoa actually aren't petunias at all. A key difference is that they grow much better in containers than they do in the ground. That's because they prefer the type of soil that is used in containers compared to your regular garden soil. If you've struggled to grow calibrachoa in the past, here are a few key growing tips to keep in mind. 

Superbells grow and bloom best in sun.

  • If you have at least 6 hours of direct sun per day, you can grow Superbells. More than 6 hours is even better. They love the warm afternoon sun.
  • Sun is what generates energy in plants, so the more sun they get, the stronger the plants will grow and the more flowers they will produce. 
  • If your Superbells look healthy but aren't growing very fast or have few flowers, move them to a sunnier location.

Superbells require well-drained soil.

  • Superbells calibrachoa are more sensitive to wet soil than Supertunia petunias. They like the soil to be slightly moist, but never soggy since this can make their roots rot. 
  • Let the soil dry out a little before you water them again, but not so much that the plants wilt. This will give the roots a chance to breathe a bit before it's time for their next drink.
  • One of the main reasons Superbells thrive in hanging baskets and patio containers is that the excess water can easily drain out the hole in the bottom of the pot. That's not so easy to accomplish if they are growing in the ground. 
  • If you've had a ton of rain lately and your pots of Superbells are staying wet for days on end, move them to a bright but dry location for a day or two until sunnier weather returns. This will help to prevent the roots from rotting.

Feed Superbells often.

  • While the sun gives plants energy, the minerals and nutrients in plant food give the plants what they need to grow new leaves and flowers. If your Superbells are growing in full sun but have stopped blooming well, they are probably hungry.
  • We recommend feeding Superbells with our premium water soluble plant food every third time you water. Why do we call it "premium"? Because it contains EDDHA Iron and minor nutrients which keep the foliage green, full and healthy all season.

  • In addition to the water soluble plant food, we recommend incorporating our premium continuous release plant food, which comes in a pellet form, into the soil when you plant your Superbells. The special coating on the pellets is designed to release more food during warmer months when your plants are growing the fastest. 

Give your Superbells a little trim now and then.

  • By midsummer, say after your July Fourth party, it's time to give your Superbells a little trim to rejuvenate the plants heading into the heat of summer. Follow the rule of thumb of not cutting off more than 20% of the plant and you can't go wrong. 
  • If some stems have grown longer than others, trim them up to bring them in line with the others near the bottom of the pot or basket. 
  • Trimming the ends of the stems will cause your Superbells to be out of bloom for a few days, but you'll be surprised how quickly they bounce back and look better than ever.
  • Repeat this trimming process in late summer or early fall to keep your Superbells blooming well into the fall months. 


Questions? Shoot them over to, we are happy to help!