Proven Winners Direct™ Zone Guide: Zone 11

Zone 11 is the warmest zone that can be found in the continental United States, at the southernmost tip of Florida. With the coldest annual temperature reaching between 40 to 50°F, most plants in the zone are tropical. High heat and water retention can be a challenge, but thankfully many of the popular plants in this zone are built to withstand its conditions.

Like other warm zones, having shade available will help to increase the amount of the plants that are viable to grow. It also may help to consider plants that are native to the region, as you can be sure that they’re capable of withstanding the heat. In fact, some of the most unique and beautiful varieties of plants are ideal for such weather.

We’ve listed below a few of our favorite zone 11 offerings.


  • Sunstar® Red Egyptian Star Flower shows off fantastic clumps of small red flowers each with a softer pink center. Resistant to disease and attractive to pollinators, it’s a wonderful option.

  • Rockapulco® Coral Reef features rose-like flowers in a deep coral pink shade. Speaking of shade, so long as this plant has some it’ll perform well in hot and humid areas, both in containers and in the ground.

  • Colorblaze® Chocolate Drop Coleus is a foliage-forward offering that has rounded, bright green leaves each containing a purple-brown central pattern that follows the veins of the leaf. It resists deer and doesn’t mind the heat.

For a complete list of plants that are suitable for zone 11, click here! If you’d like to learn more about gardening zones in general then be sure to check out our blog The Ultimate Guide to Plant Hardiness Zones.

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