Hidden Gems Highlighted - March 28th, 2023

It’s our favorite time of year here at Proven Winners Direct™. Planting season is right around the corner for many parts of the country, and warmer areas are already breaking out their gloves and trowels. It’s finally time to rejoin your outdoor space!

As we’ve been doing our planning and planting, some favorite varieties have come up in conversation. Whether it’s an already popular variety, or one that we feel more gardeners should try, our Hidden Gems collection is here to highlight some of our must-have plants for the 2023 season!

So, as you fill out your garden this spring, keep this list in mind. Do you have a container that’s missing that extra something? A pesky open spot in a bed? A Hidden Gem might be just what you need!

Be sure to check out the collection periodically to catch newly added varieties!

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Boldly® Dark Red Geranium

This classic showing of bright red blooms is hard to resist. It’s compact enough to fit nearly any garden, but there’s nothing “small” about the effect it has, nor the elegance that it brings to your garden.

Proven Accents® ‘Sweet Caroline Light Green’

Another foliage-forward variety that shouldn’t be overlooked, this ipomoea is perfect for ground cover, acting as a backdrop of color, and just plain looking good in the landscape.

Proven Accents® White Licorice

With a succulent-like appearance, this silver and white foliage offering is going to take any combination to the next level. Pair it with any color you can think of— it’ll look great.

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Silver Falls™

A failsafe way to bring an enchanted, magical feeling to any garden. It spills out of hanging containers in voluminous masses, looking impossibly light as it gently moves in the wind. It’s an encapsulating view no matter how many times you’ve seen it before.

Snowstorm® Giant Snowflake®

It’s all about detail, and that’s what Giant Snowflake® is. Soft white blooms are dispersed equally amongst the green foliage, creating an effortless balance in your display.

Soprano® White

A classic look in a shade that never gets old, these blooms are sure to elevate your area. We love our crazy colors, but there’s a lot to appreciate about timeless simplicity as well! 

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Superbells® Blackcurrant Punch™

Speaking of crazy colors, these pink and deep purple blooms with yellow centers cater to the color-lover in all of us. Not only is it attention-grabbing, though. It’s durable, and a breeze to grow!

Superbells® Blue Moon Punch

Another Superbells® master mixing of color that we hope to see plenty of this season. Think of it like this: Light and dark purple, with yellow in the mix… and it’s easy to care for, too. What’s not to love?

Superbells® Double Chiffon

Far more pastel than most Superbells® colors, these soft yellow blooms are dignified. Let color act as the hook, and beautiful detailed texture as the take-away.

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Superbells® Grape Punch™

Similar to Blue Moon Punch, we can’t resist another tasteful mix of yellow and purple. However, Grape Punch™ is an entirely different spin on this mix. If it’s too hard to pick a favorite, you can always try both!

Superbells® Lemon Slice®

What’s more “summer-y” than loads of perfect blooms that look like groups of tiny beach umbrellas? Not only does Lemon Slice® look like an oceanside sun-shade— it can take the heat like one, too.

Superbells® Pink

It’s hard to believe the vibrance of these pink flowers, even in person. Their color shines strong— this variety doesn’t need supporting actors to put on a show, but it welcomes pairings regardless and looks great doing it.

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Superbells® Tropical Sunrise

Just like a sunrise, you’ll notice something new every time you look. The way the reds, yellows, and pinks melt together on each bloom could be studied for hours; you’ll find new intricacies at every turn of the head.

Superbells® Watermelon Punch™

A unique look and strong palette make up Watermelon Punch™. It’s a dramatic display, and one that takes on new meaning in different contexts. Plant it with other bright colors to highlight the mid-summer feeling it brings, or pair with foliage-forward plants for a moodier display.

Superbells® Yellow

One of the best parts about the Superbells® line is that it’s made of up of hardy, easy to care for plants that come in just about any color one could dream up. For pops (or masses) of yellow in your display, we can’t recommend Superbells Yellow enough. After all, it’s a popular line for a reason!

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Supertunia Mini Vista® White

Compact blooms of pure white, with flowers so plentiful that they almost hide the foliage. For a classy and toned-down look, consider planting it alone. However, this blanket of white is an absolute game-changer in combinations.

Vermillionaire® Large Firecracker Plant

We’ve covered a wide range of colors, and while this still boasts impressive color in spades, Vermillionaire® shows that it’s like the rest of the pack with its thin, almost bell-like blooms. As the name suggests, these flowers look just like tiny explosions frozen in time.

White Knight® Sweet Alyssum

A compact collection of thousands of tiny white blooms, all bunched into neat circular groupings. It’s perfect for the front of beds and makes a great container plant as well. Visitors love it— your friends and neighbors, and the visiting pollinators as well.

Check Back Soon!

That’s it for now, but be sure to watch for updates to our Hidden Gems collection. There’s plenty more favorites that we’ve yet to highlight, some of which aren’t as well known. You might find your new favorite! In the meantime,

Happy Planting!